Written note/Excused Absences
Cy-Ranch students are required to provide a note from a parent/guardian for each absence within three (3) days from the date of the absence or consecutive absences.
This note may be hand delivered in person by the student or parent/guardian. This note is to include the student’s first and last name, reason for absence, telephone number of parent/guardian, and must have signature of parent/guardian.
Option 1: Note is typed in body of email, government issued ID or DL is attached to email, include student’s first and last name, reason for absence, date of absence, and telephone number of parent/guardian.
Option 2: Note is attached to the email along with government issued ID or DL, student first and last name, reason for absence, date of absence, telephone number of parent/guardian and parent/guardian signature.
If the student does not provide a note for being absent, the absence will be counted as unexcused.
Types of excused Absences
- Death of a family member;
- Appointments with healthcare professionals licensed in the United States (doctors, dentists, etc.) that cannot be scheduled before or after school hours;
- Religious holy days;
- Required court appearances
- taking part in the student’s own US naturalization oath ceremony;
- visiting an institution of higher education (grade 11 and 12 only);
- pursuing enlistment in a branch of the US uniformed services or the Texas Army National Guard (students 17 years old or older);
- visiting a driver’s license office to obtain a driver’s license or learner permit. (Note: Students must be enrolled in high school and 15 years of age or older.
*Please note: This list is not exhaustive, but rather a starting point for the types of absences that may be excused. It is important to note that numerous absences, whether excused or unexcused, may jeopardize a student’s ability to receive credit or final grades for classes (see the TEC, §25.092, for requirements related to minimum attendance for class credit or a final grade).